Illustrate the stages of a child's life cycle according to Eric Erickson


Illustrate the stages of a child's life cycle according to Eric Erickson



i. Trust vs Mistrust: 0-1 year
If the child finds love, it will learn to trust the world around it.
If a child is not wanted-the mother transfers the bitterness to the child, it develops mistrust, e.g. when the child cries and the mother shouts at the child or sparks the child, it will not trust the mother and hence not the world around it.

ii. Autonomy vs Shame and doubt:2-3 years
A child tries to show some little independence, run away a bit from the parent, do something alone even when together. The children seek autonomy. We should allow them to continue with minimal supervision to achieve autonomy. Do not follow up the child too much. Allow them to play or move. When you are too strict, the child develops shame and doubt and cannot try living with the environment around them.

iii. Initiative vs Guilt:4-5 years
The child is able to express herself clearly, ask too many questions. The children are explorers, experimenting, etc. if you restrict them too much and show that their questions are too unnecessary, the child develops guilt and once you become kind to them, they become very initiative.

iv. Industry vs Inferiority: 6-11 years
`The child is entering school and has a lot of intellectual curiosity and if encouraged to finish small tasks and praised/encouraged, he will develop industry but if you mock him, the child will feel inferior.

v. Identity vs Role confusion: 12-18 years
Here, the child is trying to find identity, has a lot of physiological and hormonal changes. He tries to develop the ego identity. We should be able to help them identify their roles, be stable. When they fail to identify their roles, they become confused. This calls for a lot of guidance.

vi. Intimacy vs Isolation: 19-34 years
The adolescents are young adults- they develop relationships with opposite sex and the relationship is intimate, which may lead to marriage, for those who have identified their roles. For those who have not identified themselves, are isolated, they tend to abandon relationship time after time; asked why they are like that, cannot explain. It is difficult for them to keep intimate relationship.

vii. Generativity vs Stagnation:35-64 years
At this stage, many people tend to be very useful in the society. They work to enhance building in the society. However, those who have failed are not useful, not involved in any voluntary work, not constructive- they stagnate, e.g. an old man who befriends a young girl.

viii. Integrity vs Despair: 65 and above
Old age and people begin to evaluate what they have done in life: if successful, will be satisfied and enjoy their old age.
However, there are those who look back and see nothing. They regret since they were not able to do what they would have done, hence despair. You become a bother to other people.
Titany answered the question on May 10, 2022 at 12:20

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