Discuss FIVE classroom problems and explain how educational psychology can solve them.


Discuss FIVE classroom problems and explain how educational psychology can solve them.



i. Individual differences
A teacher with the knowledge of the kind of individual differences may adjust his teaching to the needs and requirements of the class.
ii. To understand effective teaching methods
Lack of proper methods in teaching results in failure of communication in the class room. Educational psychology equips teachers with the knowledge of appropriate methods of teaching.
iii. To understand problems of learners.
A teacher may understand the causes of problems which occur at different age levels.
iv. Knowledge of mental health
A teacher from the study of psychology can know the various factors which are responsible for the mental ill health and maladjustment.
v. Guidance for the education of exceptional children
Helps teachers to provide a d organise education for the exceptional children who had been neglected and devoid of educational facilities.
vi. Problem of discipline
Teachers who have the knowledge of modern education psychology realise that the use of corporal punishment is inhumane. Teacher tackle the problems of indiscipline by examining the causal factors leading them in a more scientific way.
Titany answered the question on May 10, 2022 at 13:27

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