Describe political activities of the Agikuyu community in the Pre-colonial period


Describe political activities of the Agikuyu community in the Pre-colonial period.



- The Agikuyu were organized into clans
- The clan was the highest Political unit
- The members of a clan occupied a single territorial called mbari, usually one ridge.
- Each clan was led by a council of elders, Kiama which had a Chairman called, Muthamaki
- Muthamaki emerged due to his personality and leadership potentials.
- The senior council of elders, i.e. the Kiama performed both religious and judicial roles
- The council ensured that law and order was maintained and settled disputes.
-The Riika (age-set) was a very vital unifying sector in the clan.
- Its members considered each other as brothers. They jointly received military training and thereafter made up a single fighting unit.
- During peace times performed tasks like the construction of paths, bridges and houses.
- The Kikuyu system was basically a decentralized type of Political Organization.
NatalieR answered the question on May 11, 2022 at 13:14

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