Critically evaluate the cost-effectiveness of technology transfer/extension approaches/methods in the Kenyan context


Critically evaluate the cost-effectiveness of technology transfer/extension approaches/methods in the Kenyan context



Critically evaluate the cost-effectiveness of technology transfer/extension approaches/methods in the Kenyan context.

We can evaluate the cost-effectiveness of technology transfer through:
Social connectedness of behaviors and outcomes. We can consider technology transfer activities, and indeed all human activities, in terms of the extent to which the individual has autonomy to produce outcomes.
The lack of access is compounded by extension agents’ lack of funds for transport, further reducing extension worker access to farmers. Extension workers may identify and know the solutions to problems faced by the farmers, and yet may not be able to disseminate the solutions to the farmers due to lack of appropriate extension teaching methods for transferring agricultural technologies.
Similarity of public policies and institutional settings. Technology transfer research has become a popular topic among many nations’ scholarly communities. Generally speaking, scholars tend to focus on the technology transfer activities of organizations and institutions within their own nation.
Adoptability. One of the best reasons to examine technology transfer practices in settings far removed from US federal laboratories is to identify innovative and effective approaches used by others. In such cases, it is perhaps advisable to relax comparability requirements.
Effective technology transfer will:
1.Develops a platform to share ideas
2.Protects intellectual property
3.Promotes economic development through commercializing innovative technology
4.Enhances collaboration between the federal and non-federal science
5.Provides non-federal entities the ability to access federal technical assistance and facilities
6.Accomplishes goals that neither party could achieve on their own through sharing and/or combining resource.
0724229776 answered the question on May 13, 2022 at 13:08

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