Discuss the processes involved in control process of food and beverage control


Discuss the processes involved in control process of food and beverage control



a) Establishment of standards
Standards are either approved or accepted by the management ie rules or policies laid
down which should be followed by the establishment. Eg use of standard recipes,
purchase specification when purchasing food, budgeting, etc
b) Communication
The set standard should then be communicated either verbally or in written. They
should be in detail illustrating the importance and how to go about using them. Eg the
use of food and beverage checks should be shown to the staff.
c) Follow up machinery (supervision)
This will reflect any neglect of control procedure or rules to see if they are being
d) Feed- back
These are information received from the follow up machinery and could either be
negative or positive.
e) Corrective action
This is done to rectify any mistakes found in the control system so as to prevent
further mistakes, in so doing, the control system are improved or accomplished. The
staff may be wanted or sacked due to neglecting or ignoring the rules or policies.
NatalieR answered the question on May 16, 2022 at 05:05

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