Outline qualities of a good store.


Outline qualities of a good store.



- The stores should be well ventilated and lighted.
- The stores should be large enough for checking in goods, unpacking and assembling of
order prior to delivery and collection.
- Should be constructed with materials that are easy to clean, and free from vermin and
- Security is essential in the stores therefore windows should be barred, refrigerators and
cold rooms should have strong locks and doors to have heavy duty locks.
- When opened only authorized persons should be allowed in and senior staffs like
purchasing officer and food and beverage manager.
- All keys to be held by the storekeeper or cellar man, with a duplicate kept in the
purchasing office.
- A general store where non- refrigerated items would be kept should be fitted with mobile
adjustable shelving racks made of steel, to allow changing the layout of the store area,
assist in cleaning the area and cleaning the shelves.
- A wash hand basin, soap, nails brush, and drier should be provided for staff and also a
first aid box.
- Steps for staffs to reach goods on high shelves and appropriate trolley should be
- There should be ample well arranged store space with shelves of varying depths and
separate sections for each type of food. These sections may be deep freeze cabinets, cold
rooms, refrigerators, chill room, vegetables bins and container stores.
NatalieR answered the question on May 16, 2022 at 07:46

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