Enumerate the differences between duplicate and triplicate checking system


Enumerate the differences between duplicate and triplicate checking system



Differences between duplicate and triplicate checking system;
- Triplicate is mainly used in first class establishments operating on an extensive a’la carte
menu while duplicate is used in popular price restaurant/ cafes where a table d’ hote
menu is in operation.
- Triplicate has three copies while duplicate is in two copies.
- In triplicate, the cashier makes out the guests bill which is in triplicate while in duplicate,
the bill is in duplicate and is made out by the waiter.
- In triplicate the guest pays the cashier through the waiter who returns the receipted bill
and any change to the guest while in duplicate, the guest may pay the cashier direct/ pay
the waiter according to the policy of the establishment.
- In triplicate, at the end of service the cashier completes the summary sheet and hands it
over with cash and the duplicate bill checks to the control department, while in duplicate,
in addition to the waiters accepted slip and stubs from his check pads must be handed on
by the waiter together with cash received by him.
NatalieR answered the question on May 16, 2022 at 12:27

Next: Discuss the main restaurant checking systems in the restaurant
Previous: Explain different methods of billing.

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