Discuss four reasons why managing information systems and technology are important


Discuss four reasons why managing information systems and technology are important



Capital Management
As the text states, 'Investment in information technology has doubled as a percentage of total business investment since 1980, and now accounts for more than one-third of all capital invested in the United States.' That's a lot of money that businesses are spending on a relatively new component of many organizations. The business world has come a long way very rapidly in the last twenty years in terms of the amount of dollars spent on technology.
Unfortunately, many companies haven't made the same advances in learning how to properly
manage all these new corporate assets.

Foundation of Doing Business
Take a look around you and see if you can find a business that does not depend on information technology in one form or another. The local restaurant probably manages their lunch-time crowds using hand-held devices that allow the waiter or waitress to communicate menu orders directly to the kitchen. The rental car company uses information technology to track not only customer orders but may also use global positioning systems that relay the exact position of every car wherever it is.
Your local drycleaners may also use information technology to keep track of all their chemical processes to ensure regulatory compliance. In short, there are very few businesses and organizations that do not currently use some form of information technology.

Simply put, effectively managing your organization's information technology and resources will increase the productivity and effectiveness of your company. With the right technology workers can increase the amount of work they are able to accomplish in less time than ever before.

Strategic Opportunity and Advantage
Businesses and organizations simply can't stick their heads in the sand and ignore all of the improvements and inventions that are available nowadays. If they choose to do so, chances are their competition won't. It's not just the improvements in current processes that are available but the opportunities for new products or services that businesses can take advantage of with information technology.
NatalieR answered the question on June 14, 2022 at 09:55

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