What are the functions of a sub-editor?


What are the functions of a sub-editor?



1. Copy edit and development
Sub-editor edits copy, written by reporters or features writers, to remove spelling mistakes and grammatical errors then construct a develop story. The reporter’s job is to write the story as quickly as possible with all the facts and figures. In their hurry, they may not be in a position to polish the language. So the first job of a sub editor is to see that the report is in
good language and there are no mistakes. There can be spelling mistakes, mistakes in sentence construction, grammar and factual mistakes. If the sub editor finds a portion of the report ambiguous or incorrect or doubtful he has to cross check it with the reporter. Edit reports and press releases.
2. Write a headline
The sub editor then has to find a good headline for the story and writing headlines that capture the essence of the story or are clever or amusing. The headline should be sharp, attractive, crisp and convey the spirit of the story. The headline should compel the reader to stop and read the whole story.
While writing the headline, a sub editor should know the space available for the story, whether it is one column, two columns or three etc. The headline should fit within that column. While writing the heading, it should fit into the mood of the story. A sarcastic headline for a hard story will look odd. Similarly a hard-line headline will spoil the spirit of a humorous piece. The headline should also be suggestive. It should never be a full sentence.
3. Follow in house policy
Sub-editors are responsible for overseeing the content, accuracy, layout and design of newspaper and magazine articles and making sure that they are in keeping with house style. Every media house has its own policy and ethics. The media house contains and maintains their own goals, rules, and regulation. Every media follows their several news, advertisement, and page makeup policy. They oriented by their own policy. So the sub-editor should follow and fulfil the in house policy. Without these three functions there are various significant jobs that are performed by sub- editors are remarks below:-

4. Page makeup/layout of pages
Page layout or page make up is an art. Each newspaper has a different layout though all have eight columns in each page. Types or fonts used by newspapers also differ from paper to paper. Every sub editor has to learn the typefaces available in the paper and the layout pattern adopted. Preparing the page of the newspaper is called page making. Earlier sub editors used to do it on dummy pages. Now a day they are doing it on the computer screen. Picture editing also involves placing the picture in the correct position in the page. It is part of
the page layout. Usually in the front page, only very important news pictures will find a place. He must have noticed from this that the headlines are not of uniform type. The type, or font, of the letters in each headline differs according to the length and width of the column. A sub editor should also know about the font sizes available. Each paper has its fonts and types.
Ensuring that, stories are the right length and correctly placed on pages.
5. Use picture photograph or graph
The sub editor now has to see if there is a possibility for including photographs along with the news item. Pictures or graphs can improve the visual quality of a report. Photography is an integral part of the media.
Whether a newspaper or news weekly or news channel or a news portal, photography is essential to give it the visual impact, effect and authenticity. It is said that a good picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes one picture is enough to explain the mood of a situation or an event.
6. Write caption
When you see a photo in the newspaper you look for what is written under it. This writing under a photo is called the catchword or caption. When photographers file photos, it is the job of the sub editor to write the appropriate caption. Cropping photos and deciding where to use
them for best effect, and writing picture captions. A good caption can improve the impact of the picture.
Copy editors are often tasked with writing headlines and captions, as well as the regular blurbs and briefs that occur in many publications. Many readers take these aspects of a publication for granted, but in truth they are some of the most important elements of a newspaper or magazine.
7. condensation
Condensation is a task that the sub editor has to do. Reporters generally file lengthy stories. Only the sub editor will be able to know about the availability of space in the newspaper. If the full story written by a correspondent will not squeeze into the space available, it is the job of the sub editor to condense it by rewriting or editing. If one word can substitute for a number of words that definitely should be done.
8. Re-write news story
Rewriting material needs that it flows or reads better and adheres to the house style of a particular publication. Ensuring that, a story fits a particular word count by cutting or expanding materials as necessary. Checking facts and stories to ensure they are accurate, adhere to copyright laws, are not libellous or go against the publication’s policy. Working to a page, plan to ensure that the right stories appear in the correct place on each page. If the sub-editor finds any mistakes in a reporters copy he should correct the copy. If he think that
the story needs to add some information or develop the story then he should re-write the story.
Copy editors are normally the last people to read something before it goes to publication. So if something is badly written, it's often up to the copy editor to make the writing look good, which can either mean doing some heavy editing themselves or sending the article back to the author with suggested revisions
9. Value added
The next job of the sub editor is to value add the report. If some background material has to be added, he has to collect it from the library and improve the story. For example, if a report is filed on a train accident killing ten people, the sub editor can improve the story by collecting information about other major train accidents that happened recently.
10. Give a byline
Another important decision an editor has to take is about giving a byline or credit to the story. Normally bylines are not given for particular stories. But if a reporter files an exclusive story then it should appear with his byline or name so that he gets individual credit for the story.
The decision of giving a byline to a reporter for a particular story is taken by the news editor. But a sub editor who edits the story can always suggest to the news editor about giving that story a byline.
11. Proof reading
Proofreading complete pages produced by other sub-editors using the main basic proofing symbols. Checking facts and stories to ensure they are accurate, adhere to copyright laws, are not libellous or go against the publication’s policy. When a news ready to go for publication
the sub-editor should check the spelling, grammar, punctuation and so on.
12. Translate the story
Translation a copy is a vital job for the sub-editor. To translate the news story is a significant function of a sub-editor. There are many news sources, news agencies and institutions around
the world from where the news media collect information to publish or broadcast. This type of information is usually written in English. Besides this the press note, press releases are almost publish in English. The sub-editor needs to translate these types of information for the readers benefit.
13. Fact Checking
Fact checking and keeping an eye out for libel (defamatory untruths) are one of the key roles of many copy editors. Publishing incorrect facts or defamatory writing can cause irreparable damage to a publication's reputation. It's a copy editor's job to make sure this doesn't happen.
NatalieR answered the question on June 15, 2022 at 12:57

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