Discuss the reasons for strong factor of financing education sector at the primary level


Discuss the reasons for strong factor of financing education sector at the primary level



b) Information asymmetries /ignorance
Parents with little education have been known to be less informed than their better
educated counter parts about the benefits of quality education.
Furthermore, students from poor backgrounds tend to underestimate their potential and
prospects. Public finance therefore is attributed to the fact that it can make information about the benefits and availability of education to both the poor and advantaged.

c) Externalities
This means education is a quasi (semi) public good. The benefits of education accrue not
only to its direct recipients but also spills over to the society at large.
In the absence of government provision, expenditure on education would be smaller than
would be desirable from the social point of view. Wide spread public education at the
primary level may be a threshold for development and its external effects on health and
fertility are maximized on the basis of social benefits captured by the society through
public spending as well.

d) Basic right
Education was declared as a universal human right by the United Nation Declaration on
human rights in 1948. Indeed it is treated as a basic need. The convention on the rights of
the child of 1989 further reinforced this requirement and it states that “the child has a
right to education and the state’s duty is to ensure that primary education is free and
compulsory, to encourage different forms of secondary education accessible to every
child and to make higher education available to the basis of capacity”.

e) The difficulty of determining and verifying parental ability.
Establishing a reasonable parental contribution requires a determination of that income or
a combination of income and assets at which this financial responsibility ought to begin,
but financial ability to contribute is a complex and illusive concept even with a high
degree of voluntary willingness to comply. Additionally, incomes and assets are
relatively easy to distinguish. In most countries, determination of “ability to pay” or
eligibility of need to pay is difficult and this justifies public financing.
NatalieR answered the question on June 20, 2022 at 08:10

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