Outline seven promises that God gave to Abraham.


Outline seven promises that God gave to Abraham.



-Abraham would father a great nation.

- Abraham would receive personal blessings i.e. die in peace.

- Abraham would have many descendants.

- Abraham would receive personal reputation, whereby his name would be great.

- God promised Abraham a son/heir.

- God would establish an everlasting covenant with Abraham

- God would bless those who bless Abraham

- God would pronounce a curse onto those who curse Abraham, thereby protecting him

- God would settle Abraham and his descendants in a blessed land flowing with milk and honey.

- Abraham would be the origin of blessing to the whole world (through Abraham all the nations of the world would bless themselves).

- Abraham's descendants would be slaves in a foreign land, but God would rescue them

- God would make great nations from Abraham's descendants.

- God would make some of Abraham's descendants kings.

gideon1 answered the question on October 2, 2017 at 17:34

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