With the aid of a sketch explain the operation of a hydram pump


With the aid of a sketch explain the operation of a hydram pump



- The basic principle behind ram pumps is to use a large amount of water falling a
short distance to pump a small amount of water to a higher elevation. Typically,
only 2% to 20% of the water flowing through a ram pump system will actually be
delivered to the storage tank or trough. The remainder is overflow and directed
back into the stream.
- Water flows from the supply reservoir down the drive pipe into the valve box.
Initially, the waste valve is open and allows water to flow through it and back into
the stream. As the water flow increases, it causes the waste valve to quickly close.
The closing of the waste valve creates high pressure within the pump, also known
as water hammer. This redirects the water past the delivery valve and out the
supply line to the storage tank or trough. The water flow within the valve box
rapidly slows, opening the waste valve and starting the cycle again.
NatalieR answered the question on June 30, 2022 at 06:08

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