a) Functionalist perspective
Functionalist perspective theorists view society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system. According to functionalists, society is held together through consensus.
Most people agree oil what is best for society' and work together to ensure that the social system runs smoothly. Functionalists view the various elements in society in terms of their functions and positive consequences for society. Recognizing that not everything in society operates smoothly, functionalists label certain elements as dysfunctional. These are negative consequences which an element poses to the stability of the social system. They include crime or anything that disrupts rather than stabilizes society. Major proponents of the Functionalist Perspective theory are Herbert Spenser and Emile Durkheim.
b) Conflict Perspective
Conflict Perspective theorists focus on the forces in society that promote competition and change. These theorists are interested in how those who possess more power in society exercise control over those with less power. Conflict theorists do not limit their attention to acts of violent conflict. They also dwell on non-violent competition between various groups in society, such as men and women, or people of different ages, or racial, or national backgrounds. They also pursue topics such as decision - making in the family, relationships among racial groups in society and labour disputes. Karl Marx was the key advocate of this theory. According to conflict theorists, competition over scarce resources is at the core of social conflicts. Due to the fact that resources such as power and wealth are in limited supply, people must compete with one another for them. Once a group gains control of society's resources, it tends to establish miles and procedures that protect their interests at the expense of other groups. This inequality between groups leads to social conflicts as those with less power attempt to gain access to desired re-sources and those in power attempt to keep it. Conflict in turn leads to social change. Thus, conflict theorists see social change as an inevitable feature of society.
c) Interactionist Perspective
Sociologists who adopt the Interactionist Perspective focus on how individuals interact with one another in society. They are interested in the ways in which individuals respond to one another in everyday situations. They are also interested in the meanings that individuals attach to their own actions and to the actions of others. Many sociologists who adopt this perspective label themselves as Social Psychologists. The proponents of this theory include Max Weber. Of particular interest to these theorists is the role that symbols play in people's daily lives. Interactionists focus on the interaction between people that take place through the case of Symbol. This is referred to as symbolic interaction. The Interactionist Perspective is used to study topics like child development and relationships within groups.
francis1897 answered the question on August 17, 2022 at 09:29
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