a) Socialization can be positive and negative on the learner depending on what has been passed over. Education, on the other hand, is supposed to be positive.
b) The two involve acquisition of new aspects in life. These include knowledge, attitudes, skills values and norms.
c) Socialization and education can be viewed as processes of trying to equip learners with necessary skills.
d) Socialization can be planned and unplanned, while education calls for scheming and planning. However, the end result is the same since the learner has to change his behaviour towards the intended goal.
e) Both socialization and education require a conducive atmosphere to succeed, whether at school or at borne.
f) Both socialization and education must be carried out by agents. These are people who know how to impart certain knowledge.
g) Cultural values and norms can be imparted during the teaching time.
h) Education is terminal while socialization is continuous. Socialization can take place in and out of a. school setting while education is mostly found in school settings.
i) Socialization and education aim at making an individual complete and useful to himself and to the society.
francis1897 answered the question on August 18, 2022 at 10:24
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