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The term society has been defined in various ways by scholars. List the definitions.


The term society has been defined in various ways by scholars. List the definitions.



1. Ezewu (1983:10) defines society as `a congregation of humans interacting with one another in order to maintain a continued existence.' Society can also be defined as ‘an organized group of people with common ties, operating through its interacting systems of institutions established to ensure nurture, defense and survival for its members’ (Ezewu, 1983:11).

2. Jary and Jary (1999:627) define society as 'any self perpetuating, human grouping occupying a relatively bounded territory, possessing its own more or less distinctive culture and institutions.'

3. Peil and Oyeneye (1998:5) define society as `a group of people with shared values, beliefs, symbols, patterns of behaviour and territory.'

4. Thomas (1994:71) defines society as `social institutions that have statuses, roles, values and

Society can therefore be defined as `a group of people living together with shared norms and values.'

francis1897 answered the question on August 18, 2022 at 12:13

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