a) Participation and interaction:
Every member of society should participate in the activities of the society according to his or her individual expectations. Society does not operate as an uncoordinated mass. It operates through its social systems or groups, each with specific functional expectations. Each member's action and reaction has an influence on the entire society. The participation of individuals and the collective group becomes an essential ingredient in the continued existence of society.
b) Cohesion:
If society or a social unit is to exist and maintain continuity, all members of the sub-systems must be bound together. There should be resistance to division, thereby creating cohesion.
c) Conformity:
To preserve the existence and continuity of society or any social unit, all members are expected to conform to the established norms.
d) Cooperation:
Every member of society has a status or statuses. To each status is attached a certain prescribed role to be played as a member's contribution to the system or society. These roles are played in cooperation with others who are playing similar roles. For people to cooperate, they must play roles towards the attainment of the collective goal.
francis1897 answered the question on August 18, 2022 at 12:56
- Explain the theoretical framework of the society.(Solved)
Explain the theoretical framework of the society.
Date posted: August 18, 2022. Answers (1)
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What are the various factors that constitute society?
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The term society has been defined in various ways by scholars. List the definitions.
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Explain the role of culture in education.
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Explain the relationship between adolescence and culture.
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What are the factors influencing cultural practices?
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Describe the functions of culture in society.
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List and explain the different types of culture.
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What are the category classifications of the content of culture, according to J.W. Woodard (1936) in Ezewu (1983)?
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What are relationships between socialization and Education?
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Describe total institutions as an agent of socialization.
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For socialization to take place effectively, three major factors have to be considered. According to Ezewu (1983), what are these factors?
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A number of theorists have attempted to explain how we become socialized and develop a sense of self. List and describe their theories of socialization.
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What is the relationship between sociology and education?
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Explain the concept social roles as used in sociology.
Date posted: August 17, 2022. Answers (1)