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Explain the following concepts as used in Sociology of Education: 1. Social Role 2. Status set 3. Status sequence 4. Role set 5. Role conflict


Explain the following concepts as used in Sociology of Education:
1. Social Role
2. Status set
3. Status sequence
4. Role set
5. Role conflict



1. Social Role:
A role is a specific act of a status occupier towards any of the per-sons or group of pot- sons with whom his status right and obligation put him in contact. For example, while interacting with different people in the school system, the principal plays several roles. These vary according to the people he/she is interacting with. The behaviour of the principal while interacting with a teacher is not the same as when interacting with a student or parent. One status can have several roles attached to it.

2. Status set:
One person can occupy several statuses. A principal can occupy several statuses such as father, husband, school principal and board member. All these constitute a status set.

3. Status sequence:
There are situations, which demand that in order to occupy a higher status in a hierarchy of statuses, the holder has to surrender the present status to someone else. When a deputy is promoted to a principal, he/ she vacates the status of a deputy and acquires that of principal. The arrangement of statuses in this manner is referred to as status sequence.

4. Role set:
A role set is all the prescribed interactions in which a given person is involved by virtue of the fact that he/she occupies a given 'status. An individual can play several roles in a status at any given time. As a father, the principal interacts with his children and wife, each of them enjoying different statuses within the family system. The way lie interacts with the wife is different from how lie interacts with the children. Each status occupier with whom he interacts is his role partner. The totality of the role relationships the principal has with members of his family constitutes his role set.

5. Role conflict:
This usually occurs when fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfil the role expectations of another status. It occurs between statuses. Being a good employee sometimes interferes with being a good parent. One may spend more time and, give more attention to work than to his/her family.

francis1897 answered the question on August 19, 2022 at 05:48

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