- According to Kombo and Waiyaki (2002), if the rate of social mobility is low, class solidarity and cohesion will be high. Most individuals will remain in their class of origin and this will provide for the re-production of common life experiences over generations. Consequently, distinctive class structures and strong class identifications will develop.
- Social' mobility can provide an indication of the life chances of members of society. It can show the degree to which a person's class of origin influences his or her chances of obtaining a high status occupation. It is important to know how people respond to the experiences of social mobility. For example, if the downwardly mobile resent their misfortunes, there is the possibility of formation of dissatisfied pools of people. This may threaten the stability of society.
- According to Mbithi,(1974), high social mobility would also show how resources are unfairly distributed among people. Such a development may bring tension and conflict as noted by Karl Marx. This could lead to extremes i.e. the very poor and the extremely rich. These people, though residents of one country, would live in different areas. Suspicions among them would become the order of the day.
francis1897 answered the question on August 19, 2022 at 08:07
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Describe the movements within social mobility.
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