What are some of the major behaviours that go against the norms of schools, and can cause punishments or even expulsion to those who do...


What are some of the major behaviours that go against the norms of schools, and can cause punishments or even expulsion to those who do them?



a) Stealing - includes stealing from fellow students, school property and a student withholding and using school fees given by parents.
b) Dishonesty - includes withholding or falsifying report cards, cheating during examinations, impersonating and telling lies.
c) Sex offences - includes taking the opposite sex into the dormitory, having sex, pregnancy, abortion.
d) Disobedience - includes rudeness to members of staff flouting school rules, etc, wearing dreadlocks, improper uniform.
e) Truancy - includes leaving the school without authorization, dodging specific lessons, absenteeism without tangible explanation.
f) Assault and insult- include fighting, beating fellow students, harassment of fellow students, destruction of student and school property, roughness.
g) Drug offences - include smoking cigarettes, taking drugs and drunkenness.
h) Strikes - include demonstrations, avoiding examinations.

francis1897 answered the question on August 19, 2022 at 12:25

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