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Discuss the outcome of cooperation in the classroom.


Discuss the outcome of cooperation in the classroom.



• The more students and teachers care about each other, the harder they will work to achieve mutual learning goals. Long-term and persistent efforts to achieve do not come from the head; they come from the heart (Johnson & Johnson, 1989b). Individuals seek out opportunities to work with those they care about. As caring increases, so do feelings of personal responsibility to do one's share of the work, a willingness to take oil difficult tasks, motivation and persistence in working towards goal achievement, and a willingness to endure pain and frustration on behalf of the group. All these contribute to group rusts productivity.

• The Joint success experienced in working together to get the job done enhance s social competencies, sell-esteem and general psychological health. The more psychologically healthy individuals are, the more able they are, to work with others to achieve mutual orals. Joint efforts requite coordination, effective communication, leadership and conflict management. States of depression, anxiety, guilt, shame and anger decrease the energy available to contribute to a cooperative effort. Teachers should work towards enhancing self esteem in learners.

francis1897 answered the question on August 19, 2022 at 12:56

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