While creating a safe, caring community for all students within which cooperative learning, what will you put your attention to?


While creating a safe, caring community for all students within which cooperative learning, what will you put your attention to?



a) Overall Community and Connections:
A feeling of cooperation, community and connection should be part of in the classroom. For example, displaying everything that happens the result paper of students who scored ‘A’ communicates to students that not everyone’s work is values. Teachers might instead want to display a "proud paper "from every student or let students decide what they would like to display. Having students line up for music and gymnastics in two gender- based queues - boys and girls communicates that gender divisions are important in education. This must be challenged with reference to how such practices affect the way students look at one another and at their differences. Classroom celebrations such as school trips for the best performing class affect the school community and the extent to which students feel that they are (or are not) a valued part of the classroom. Teachers must be encouraged to think about all aspects of their classroom practice in reference to what these communicate to learners.

b) Open Communication about Differences and Classroom Practices:
Creating a classroom community in which all students feel comfort-able and supported in their learning requires teachers to deal directly with issues that affect the classroom. When a child is displaying some challenging behaviour within the classroom, for example, hyperactivity/wetting himself/herself, other students are generally aware of this. Failure to talk about the situation and to explore solutions with students may leave them frightened or disenfranchised, wondering, why some-thing so obvious is not being discussed and what their role in the class-room should be. Teachers certainly need to be thoughtful* about how and when they talk to students about the behaviour of their colleagues. However, ignoring issues in the hope that they will "work themselves out" often results not only in escalation of the problem but a classroom atmosphere in which students do not feel empowered to talk about what is happening or to explore their role in generating and implementing solutions.
Students and teachers should employ a collaborative problem-solving process, in which they identify issues, generate possible solutions, screen solutions for feasibility, choose a solution to implement and then evaluate it. Including children in identifying problems and generating and implementing solutions sends a clear message that learners can talk about what is happening -in their classroom and that as a group, they can figure out ways to do things so that everyone is included. Similarly; teachers who implement more formal cooperative learning strategies should also talk to students about why they are doing so, what they hope to accomplish and what some of the barriers might be. Students who are involved in the process of cooperative learning, as opposed to those who are simply doing what the teacher tells there to, are far more likely to take ownership of cooperative activities and generalize them to other areas of classroom and home life.

c) Helping:
Establishing norms about when, how and why teachers/students help others is critical to the full implementation of cooperative learning. Because many teachers and students have received cultural messages that say "needing help is bad or shameful" and "offering help to others will embarrass them," it is important to establish new classroom norms.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 05:45

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