Discuss the conditions necessary for democracy to thrive.


Discuss the conditions necessary for democracy to thrive.



a) Industrialization:
Most democratic societies are industrialized. This is mainly because the majority of people in industrialized societies are literate, urbane and empowered socio- economically. They are therefore in a position to question issues affecting them, whether in politics or the socio-economic sphere. They can also analyze government policies and reject what they feel does not address their needs. Economic empowerment is key to demoralization.

b) Access to Information:
Democracy requires well-informed voters. Democracies are strongest in societies where the public and media have free access to information, information becomes power since people can argue their case from a point of knowledge and not ignorance.

c) Limits in Power:
All governments exercise power. However, in democracies, clear limits are placed on the scope of government power. One way in which power is limited is by spreading the power base among many different groups, such as branches of government, labour unions, non-governmental organizations, religious organizations and business. This way, power does not become concentrated in the hands of a few. There is separation of power about who should do what in the government.

d) Shared Values:
Although the right to hold opposing views is the cornerstone of democracy, a shared set of basic values is essential. The majority have their way on what they believe to be good and bad for society.

e) Divergent Views Are Respected:
In a democracy, people who hold contrasting and divergent views are accommodated and respected. However, the majority still rules.
Based on these factors, it is clear that Kenya must address some challenges to fully achieve democracy. Kenya has not yet attained industrialization and may not do so in the immediate future because many businesses and industries are relocating to neighbouring countries due to high taxation, insecurity and poor infrastructure. It is possible that many people will not be empowered economically and will therefore hesitate to question policies which they feel do not adequately address their expectations. Access to information is also limited as some information is still classified as highly classified. Journalists have been arraigned in court for publishing information that though true, was considered classified by the government. The scope of government power has been questioned, particularly in cases .where it was obvious that government officials flouted rules and regulations but escaped punishment. For example, though the Anglo Leasing scam raised uproar from the public, a senior cabinet minister dismissed it as something that was never was. This means there are differences in values between the common man and the rulers.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 08:16

Next: According to Rutto and Njoroge (2001), list some goals of the democratization.
Previous: Discuss the characteristics of democratic society.

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