Describe the theoretical framework of democracy.


Describe the theoretical framework of democracy.



- According to Plato, a. Society is regarded as democratic when It is .stably organized and each individual is doing that for which he has aptitude by nature in such a way as to be useful to others (or to contribute to the whole Lo which he belongs). Pluto affirmed emphatically that the place of the individual in society should not be determined by birth or wealth or any conventional status, but by his own nature as discovered in the process of education. Plato's conviction was that an individual is happy and society well organized when each individual engages in those activities for which he has natural equipment. He emphasized the need to liberate the individual to participate in what suits him in society. There should be no restrictions on individual creativity.

- On the other hand, Max Weber (1946), in the "Structure of Domination' theory, indicates the impossibility of achieving democracy in human society. He points out that most people in positions of power and privilege use their superior resources to maintain their status quo. The education system is one strategy of domination. Major educational ideas are congruent with the interests of the dominant group in society. These interests are reflected through educational goals, processes, content and evaluation. Marx and Engels (1947) support this theory by pointing out the Impossibility of democracy in education.

They indicate that the dominant class in any society i.e. the ruling material of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. This class exerts differences in schooling based on the power and control children experience in the educational structure. These differences may be economic (the resources they receive), political (the influence their parents have on the educational process)., ecological (where they go to school and with whom), interpersonal (the expectations teachers hold) or bureaucratic (the failure rate). The differences influence the overall school outcome. To create democracy in schools, there must be 'domination reversal' (Doran and Moldelske, 1983). This can be achieved by proper analysis and restructuring of the goals, objectives and implementation of education.

Based on these theories, it is clear that for democracy to be achieved in the education sector, equal educational opportunities for learners should be created. Factors that disadvantage “some learners in academic-performance and student retention must be addressed if democracy is to; - be realized in learning institutions,

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 08:37

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