In point form, discuss the importance of democracy to education.


In point form, discuss the importance of democracy to education.



a) Liberty:
According to Otiendc and Njoroge (2001), education can be fulfilling and empowering only if it liberates the person. Education is therefore useful when it plays a role in bringing about influences which will modify man's development, making him different from what he would have been without the intervention of education. Peters (1960) points out the liberating effects of education by stating that "An educated man is one whose form of life through his conducts, commitments and judgments is desirable. He is also one whose knowledge and understanding is not inert, in the sense that it makes no difference to his general view of the world. In a nutshell, the implication is that an educated man is flexible and willing to integrate new ideas and concepts."

b) Creativity:
Creativity is essential to man and education. According to Hughes (1951), man's destiny in a democratic society lies in creativity. Education is intended to nurture humankind as creative beings. Education must nurture democratic minds (Stead, 1942). This should be reflected through individuals' relentless search for the truth regardless of obstacles, difficulties, personal prejudices or vested interests; a determined pursuit of that truth regardless of where it may lead and an attitude that the joy of life is that there are problems to be solved and all should participate in their solution. All these are possible in societies where inquiry and research are freely allowed. This indicates that diversity of ideas is accepted.

c) Equality:
In Kenya, it is assumed that everybody interested in education has equal opportunity to pursue it to his limits. Free and equitable access to education has been seen as a democratic right. The Ministry of Education has attempted to create equal access to education for all learners. The free primary education programme has addressed the goal of equal access at the primary level.
National examinations are also regarded as giving learners equal chance to show their academic capability. Selection of learners on equal basis to national secondary schools and further selection to university by the Joint University Admissions Board are all regarded as democratic ventures.

d) Welfare:
For education to enhance democracy, social welfare should supersede personal interests. In Kenya9 the aims of education are: preservation and transmission of cultural heritage, transformation of culture and a means of individual development (Taba, 1962). Culture relates to people. Thus, education aims at enhancing social interests, thereby portraying democratic components. Based on these aims, education caters for the interest of all in society.
francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 08:57

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