What are the factors that can contribute to the realization of ideal democracy in Schools?


What are the factors that can contribute to the realization of ideal democracy in Schools?



a) Democracy should be allowed to thrive by permitting students to make decisions on how they should be taught. They should be able to express their displeasure if the methods used by teachers are boring.

b) Students should be given freedom to decide on the kind kind of uniform to wear. Currently, uniforms and their colour are just imposed without consultation.

c) The world over, students should be given freedom to decide on their subject choices early in life, depending on their talents. They should not be given, according to them, 'irrelevant' subjects.

d) Students should be involved more in the running of their institutions. This would reduce tension/conflict and enhance democracy.

e) Students should not be condemned unheard. A forum should be created for the exchange of views between the administration and students.

f) Schools should nurture African Democracy; that is, the African way of doing things should be incorporated so as not to borrow western culture-blindly.

g) The Ministry of Education should not cluster subjects. Students should be given freedom to choose what they want.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 09:05

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