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What are the issues of concern on gender?


What are the issues of concern on gender?



1. Gender and Leadership:
In the African perspective, leadership is the preserve of men. Women are equated to children and should therefore be told what to do. They are viewed as second best. This is "mainly because as wives, women are not original members of the community where they are married; as daughters, they will leave their immediate environment and join another. The community sees women as foreigners. In Kenya, majority of voters are women but many have internalized the concept that women cannot lead,' Therefore, they vote for male candidates. Various reasons have beer given to disqualify women from leadership. Among these is that unlike men, women cannot be trusted to keep secrets since they talk too much. They are also considered cowards and moody, factors that go against good leadership.

2. Gender Discrimination and Violence.
this include, cultural practices such as Female Gentile Mutilation (FGM) and marrying of girls at tender age.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 11:08

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