Discuss the effects of free primary education on gender disparity in Kenya.


Discuss the effects of free primary education on gender disparity in Kenya.



The Government of Kenya launched a Free Primary F.ducation (FPE) program in 2003 with the key goal being to make education accessible to all children and to curb gender disparities at the primary level. Despite this initiative, equitable access for all children of school going age has remains unrealized.
There are indications that FPK liaise yielded positive results with regard to the gender disparity in education. For example, it has been ascertained that there has been an increase in girl's access to primary schools in terms of enrolment. Nevertheless, gender disparities persist in enrolment, performance, retention and the general classroom and school environments in public primary schools. Cultural practices such as female genital mutilation, early marriages and domestic labour still disadvantage the girl child. The gender disparity by levels of education and by regions makes it difficult to achieve the noble goal of education for all at the primary school level.
Overall, boys are still performing better than girls in examinations". In the 2004. KCPE examination, girls comprised 45% of the top 100 students.
However, only 20% were in the top ten.-In the 2003 KCPE examination, out of' the top 824 candidates, only 232 were girls. Nyanza province, once a top performer, had only 16 girls among the top 824.
Gender inequality is still rampant within the educational .sector in Kenya. Efforts should be made to address this if equalization of educational opportunities is to become a reality.
This chapter analyzes the impact of gender disparity on education. The term gender is defined as the masculine and feminine .roles that. society ascribes to each sex. The chapter states that gender socialization begins at birth and continues throughout life. It is noted that although education is the strongest tool of empowerment that could enable women to improve their lives as well as their children's, it remains elusive for millions of women in Kenya. Some manifestations of gender disparities displayed in society include the assumption that female are less intelligent as compared to males. Girls and women who venture into male dominated careers like architecture, engineering or long distance driving are branded deviants. Ridicule is also used to undermine women. This is done through proverbs., sayings and name calling.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 11:45

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