Explain the social change indicators.


Explain the social change indicators.



a) The family institution is under threat. Family values are changing; family size is getting smaller. Children are nagging their-parents; something that is (negatively) modifying parents' perceptions of children. Women are now becoming heads of the household. Many people now prefer single- hood instead of marriage.
b) The number of street children families is on the increase and so are abortion cases. This is an indication that societal values have changed. The care that children received in traditional society, where they were treasured as a guarantee of continuity, is gone. Many people now see children as a burden.
c) Unlike traditional society where women chores were mainly concentrated around the homestead, the number of women taking up wage employment is on the increase. This is likely to introduce a new dimension in the family. Women are likely to become more assertive and subsequently less vulnerable. On the other hand, the mother's absence is likely to undermine the quality of up-bringing that children are receiving. Children are likely to be left under the care of house helps who may not play the role of the parent effectively.
d) Women are freeing themselves from repugnant cultural practices, They are now able to assume and advocate positions on issues of concern and interest.
e) Divorce rates are on the increase.
f) Many men have abdicated their roles, particularly of.providing for their wives and children.
g) More pressure groups are being established, especially in the areas-of gender and human rights.
h) Education is accepted as a determinant of change.
i) Women are taking their rightful position in society. This is as a result, of economic and educational empowerment.
j) Youth are showing open rebellion against their traditional/African-; cultures

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 12:28

Next: Discuss the factors influencing social change.
Previous: Outline the two relationships of education and social change.

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