Discuss the educational changes in kenya.


Discuss the educational changes in kenya.



The educational system in Kenya has undergone various changes. This has had an impact on learners. In 1985, higher education was dramatically expanded by the launching of more universities such as Moi University Eldoret and the introduction of a double intake. Once a rarity, degrees became common place. By 2000, there were very few villages in Kenya that could not boast of a degree holder. However, this education ''inflation" has been worsened by the fact that many graduates have similar qualifications. According to Iraki (2005), with so many qualified people, the job market quickly ratcheted up qualifications. Jobs that previously needed high school education now demand a bachelor's degree. The skills demanded are not different but people with higher qualifications are cheaply available.
The establishment of many educational programmes such as open learning, distance education and parallel programmes has enabled many individuals who had been pushed out of the education system through meritocracy to resume schooling. This has also resulted in a new belief that people miss jobs or fail to create jobs because they are not qualified enough. Such reasoning only creates more job seekers than job creators. It also brings with it certain dynamics. For example, because the demand for education is very high, entrepreneurs may start schools that offer low quality education..Students may not know the quality of education they are getting until they graduate and fail to be absorbed into the job market. Established educational institutions are also cashing on learners’ demand for higher education. According to Iraki (ibid), 22 students graduated with an MBA from the University of Nairobi in 1996. By 2005, almost 1000 students were enrolled in the programme. This has significant effects on the job market.
Originally., education in Kenya was intended to stimulate national development. However, this has changed. Education is now regarded as a tool for individual social mobility, This has pushed most people to strive for educational success. The result has been the formation of an examination culture. Some schools poach bright students from other schools and register their own weak students in different schools for national examinations. This practice can be psychologically disastrous to students, particularly the weak ones.
The environment also provides condition's that may encourage or discourage cultural change. A change in the supply of natural resources can produce cultural change. Fuel and water shortages in rural areas have had an immense impact on the education of the girl child. Clashes, wars and other forms of insecurity in some regions of Kenya have affected education as families move out of affected areas. This has resulted in learners dropping out of school.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 12:34

Next: Discuss the the role of education in social change and development.
Previous: Discuss the school as an agent of social change.

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