Discuss how education has played a role in hindering positive social change?


Discuss how education has played a role in hindering positive social change?



a) Education has tended to promote individualism through competition rather man communal concern.

b) Education can be used to enhance authoritarianism. This is because education inculcates conformity, submissiveness, docility and uncritical loyalty to the state. Schools do this by encouraging submissiveness and acceptance of the existing order. In the classroom, self-expression is discouraged; indoctrination leads to conformity and obedience. The government can use schools to produce a docile citizenry, one which is submissive to authority and eventually committed to social order.

c) Educational systems at times encourage gender differences. There are clear gender differences in the proportion of females and males studying particular subjects in schools, particularly at the secondary school level. Sciences are dominated by male students except for Biological Sciences, whereas female students dominate all the Arts. In most co-educational schools, there is a strong gender bias in subject choices available for girls. Girls are often streamed, out of science and mathematics fields into the traditional female subjects. Male students are also dominant in co- educational classes, particularly during discussions.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 12:41

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