Discuss the various types of drugs available in Kenya.


Discuss the various types of drugs available in Kenya.



a) Depressants/Sedatives:
These are drugs that lessen excitement or functional activities. One feels drowsy without actually sleeping. They include alcohol, barbiturates and peps. Alcohol This is a sedative hypnotic drug obtained by fermenting carbohydrates using yeast. The active form of alcohol is ethyl alcohol. Alcohol is a drug that slows down the body's functions (Lions Clubs International, 1992). In Kenya, alcohol includes beer, wine, whisky, busaa, murafind and mnazi. There are also several forms of cheap brews such as kumi kumi. Alcohol affects the digestive and nervous systems and the brain (Kerachio, 1994). It also results in dependency. People get wasted. Some have lost their sight, money, health and lives; especially after drinking the cheap brews. Many brew addicts have lost their jobs because their thinking is mainly geared on how to get alcohol, even during working hours. Methanol is very dangerous yet some drinks are laced with it.
This is done on the assumption that it improves quality. The result has been death of consumers.

b) Psychotropic Drugs:
These, include antipsychotic drugs, anti depressants, barbiturates and non- barbiturate hypnosedatives. Anesthetics cause loss of feeling sensation, especially pain. General anesthetics produce sound sleep and are used in surgical procedures. Local anesthetics are drugs that deaden specific areas of the body for medical procedures such as dental extraction. Anti-depressants are used to treat patients with depressive psychological illness.

Anti-psychotics are drugs that produce an effect of emotional quietness and relative indifference to one's surroundings. They are called major tranquillizers.

Analgesics are drugs that relieve pain without the loss of consciousness. Such drugs include aspirin and paracetamol.

Barbiturates are sedative hypnotic drugs that decrease [he activity of the central nervous system and depress respiration, affect the heart rate and decrease blood pressure and temperature. These drugs are mainly swallowed or injected. Many of these drugs have side effects. Minor tranquillizers and barbiturates have been shown to produce severe dependence, tolerance and serious withdrawal reactions. When taken in higher closes, barbiturates produce a state of drunkenness and a high feeling similar to the effects of alcohol. Toxicity also occurs and is characterized by slurring of speech, sluggishness and impairment of memory. Barbiturate addicts are at great risk of sudden possible overdose which may result in death (Kericho,1994).

c) Narcotics:
These are sometime referred to as hard drugs. They are very strong painkillers and sleep-inducing drugs. Most narcotics are swallowed, injected or smoked. Medically, these are drugs that produce sleep or stupor and relieve pain. Legally, a narcotic is any drug regulated under the Dangerous Drugs Act and which should only be obtained with a doctor's prescription. They include heroin, opium, morphine and pethidine.

Opiates are drugs derived from the opium poppy. They induce sleep, \ relieve pain and are strongly addictive. They include heroin, opium,
morphine and pethidine. Heroin is a semi synthetic derivative produced by the chemical modification of morphine. It is highly addictive and more
potent than morphine. Heroin produces a euphoric dream state. The user may become aggressive. Morphine is a derivative of opium. It has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, particularly on respiration. Morphine is the major sedative and pain relieving drug found in opium. Opium is an opiate derivative obtained from the juice of opium poppy while codeine is a sedative and pain-relieving agent found in opium and commonly used in cough syrups and analgesics.
The use of opiates is linked to serious health hazards. The immediate effects of these drugs are pain relief and induction of a pleasant, dreamy, detached euphoria. However, restlessness, nausea and vomiting may also occur. At a higher dose, breathing becomes progressively shallower as the respiratory centres get depressed and drowsy. Other symptoms include contracted pupils, cold moist skin, intense constipation and death as a result of respiratory failure. Heroin addicts who use intravenous injections may develop abscesses, cellulites, tetanus, pneumonia and Aids, Continued use of opiates leads to dependence, tolerance and withdrawal symptoms which can be very serious and life threatening.
These are strong drugs that induce false impressions. They include LSD Lysergic Diethyl amide. Hallucinogens are swallowed, chewed or injected. LSD-Lysergic Diethylamide is manufactured from lysergic acid, .which is found in ergot, a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. It is one of the most potent mind-changing chemicals and is mostly ingested by placing a small square paper containing the drug on the tongue.

d) Stimulants:
Stimulants are drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, altering many brain functions such as perception, reasoning, judgment, feelings and intelligence. They include amphetamines, cocaine and nicotine. Stimulants are swallowed, chewed or-injected. Amphetamines are . behavioural stimulants that temporarily increase energy and mental alertness. Cocaine is a white, crystalline alkaloid which acts as a-local aesthetic. It is a dangerous illegal stimulant. Cocaine causes increased heartbeat as well as a rise in blood pressure. In high doses, it can cause paranoia, thought disturbances and tachycardia. Crack or crack cocaine is the free base stable form of cocaine. It produces a 'high' that is much more intense and rapid than that of normal cocaine. Cocaine and amphetamine use have similar health consequences. In small doses, they produce a sense of exhilaration, increased alertness, reduction of fatigue and hunger, Larger doses may lead to bizarre, erratic behaviour, hostility and violence. Symptoms such as accelerated heartbeat, raised blood pressure and temperature, and fast breathing occur. Acute toxic reactions like hallucinations, tremor and convulsions also occur. Death can result due lo respiratory arrest and cerebral haemorrhage.
Khat(miraa) is an evergreen tree plant (botanical name: cathaedulis). The parts used as drugs are the leaves and the fresh tender shoots which are plucked and then chewed. These parts contain two known chemicals: cathinone and cathine, whose pharmacological properties are similar to those found in amphetamines. When chewed, khat produces mild or moderate euphoria, suppresses appetite, sustains alertness and prevents sleep. It produces dependence, tolerance and mild withdrawal symptoms.
Marijuana (bhang) is a relaxant. Relaxants are smoked, sniffed or swallowed. The harmful effects of cannabis sativa (bhang) are dependence syndrome, tolerance, withdrawal phenomena and direct toxic effects. Marijuana interferes with attention, concentration and logical thinking. An abuser can become violent. At higher doses, one becomes restless, confused, excited and may have hallucinations. Marijuanaaise can cause mental disorder, memory impairment and deterioration in personal hygiene. Damage to the respiratory system and lung cancer have also been reported. Rohypnols are referred to as 'club drugs.- They help relieve anxiety and solve sleep disorders. They are prescribed for in- somnia. These drugs are popular in clubs and parties for inducing a drunken - like 'high.' Some unfortunate party-goers have had their drinks spiked with this drug.
'Inhalants include glue, gasoline and paint thinner. Inhalants are sniffed. The use of inhalants is associated with serious health hazards. The immediate effect of these drugs is initiation of a pleasant dreamy, detached euphoria.
However, restlessness, nausea and vomiting may occur. A higher dose causes breathing complications.
It is obvious that all addictive drugs have an effect on the central nervous system and other important systems of the body such as the liver and eyes. These drugs jeopardize an individual's life and can lead to death. They can also lead to mental problems and withdrawal symptoms.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 13:22

Next: Discuss the theories on drug abuse.
Previous: Explain the three major stages of drug abuse.

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