Explain the three major stages of drug abuse.


Explain the three major stages of drug abuse.



a) First or Experimental Stage:
When one takes drugs for the first time, it will stimulate the brain cells to a. great extent. This will prevent the brain from receiving other sensations from body organs and muscle tissue. This activates the user's body to overdo things. He/she will become happy and do extraordinary things. This can mislead the person into thinking that he/she is superhuman. One gains a lot of confidence and feels relaxed.

b) Second or Transitional Stage:
In this stage, the user enters a transitional phase and begins to show symptoms like lassitude, oversleeping, loss of interest in many things such as education, neglect of hygiene, forgetfulness, loss of memory, withdrawal symptoms, drug tolerance and addiction and hostility towards relatives and close friends. The user also segregates him/herself and becomes a loner.
This is the stage where parents, relatives and close friends begin to notice some negative reactions in the taker. If a drug addict passes this stage without help, rehabilitation is almost impossible.

c) Third, or Abnormal Stage:
This is referred to as the 'abnormal' stage. It is characterized by depression, stress, anxiety and weakness. The user experiences the following symptoms permanently; withdrawal, insomnia, irritability, confusion due to brain damage, delirium, convulsions and childish behaviour. Finally, the brain becomes completely blocked. Hallucinations and other mental disorders occur. The addict lives in a world of his her own. Suicide is common at this point.

francis1897 answered the question on August 22, 2022 at 13:24

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