Discuss the effects of drugs abuse on education.


Discuss the effects of drugs abuse on education.



a) Indiscipline:
Students on drugs not only interfere-with their own studies but also disrupt the learning of others. Some have been involved in school strikes that have culminated in loss of life. An example is the .1999 Nyeri High School arson in which students burnt four prefects to death. In 2001, students who were believed to be on drugs started a fire at Kyanguli Secondary School.
The inferno killed 67 students (DailyNation,2003). Students on drugs also steal from others in order to finance the habit. Some are violent and bullies. They are always defensive due to their negative actions. Drug abusers are likely to exhibit violent behaviour towards fellow students and teachers. Subsequently, vulnerable groups within the school spend more time thinking about their security than studies. This undermines school performance and reputation.

b) Educational Wastage:
Drug abuse has caused some students to absent themselves from school either in search of drugs or manual employment to fund the habit. These acts of truancy and absenteeism culminate in poor performance and repetition.
Finally, such students are likely to drop out of school. Repetition is a problem to the education sector. Not only does the repeater deny other children a chance of proceeding to the next level but he/she also shares in the resources that should have been used by other children. Repeaters also contribute to class congestion. Drop outs also affect the education sector. They are a liability because they do not benefit from what the government has invested in their education. After some time, many join the ranks of permanent adult illiterates at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder.

c) Poor Academic Performance:
Within the school community, drug abusers may be shunned and made to feel inferior. This dents theirperforman.ee. Drug abuse hampers learning since abusers lack concentration. They waste time thinking about how to acquire drugs. Poor performance has serious repercussions.
It contributes to unemployment, leading to social stratification within the education and other sectors countrywide.

d) Poor Health:
Drug abuse among students has led to health complications that sometimes result in death. Alcohol and drugs have occasioned damage to vital body organs like lungs and liver, and also caused cancers. Student abusers are more prone to unprotected sex and are therefore more likely to get infected with HIV and fall pregnant.

francis1897 answered the question on August 23, 2022 at 04:58

Next: Discuss some of the society's response to student drug abusers.
Previous: What are the strategies of dealing with students on drugs?

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