Robert Merton (1959) has classified deviance into four major categories. Discuss.


Robert Merton (1959) has classified deviance into four major categories. Discuss.



a) Innovation: this is the use of proscribed means to attain prescribed goals. The goals being sought by the individual are legitimate or acceptable to the group but the individual uses prohibited means to attain them. For example, a teacher unfairly assisting learners to pass national examinations.

b) Ritualism: this involves conforming to the groups matters but without striving to reach group goals. For example, a teacher discovers a son ill forty minutes and walks out of the class without ensuring or bothering to find out whether students understood the lesson or not.

c) Retreatism: this involves non-commitment to the goals and means of a social group. Group members do not participate actively in social systems. For example, students who do not do assignments or strive to succeed in their learning.

d) Rebellion: some people reject both the group goals and means and choose to pursue change in order to create a new society with new goals and means.

francis1897 answered the question on August 23, 2022 at 06:25

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