List some of the articulators.


List some of the articulators.



1. Pharynx
It begins just above the larynx. It is about 7 cm long in women and 8 cm long in men. Its top
is divided into two:
-One part is the back of the mouth
-The other part is the beginning of the way through the nasal cavity.

2. The Velum/Soft Palate
They allow air to pass through the nose and through the mouth. Often in speech, it is raised,
so that air cannot escape through the nose. It is also one of the articulators that can be
touched by the tongue in the making of the sounds like / k, g/.

3. Hard Palate
It is the roof of the mouth and the bony structure on the front of the mouth.

4. Alveolar Ridge
It is between top front teeth and hard palate. Its surface is quite hard and is covered with little
ridges. Sounds made with the tongue touching here are: / t, d / and are called alveolar sounds.

5. Teeth
The tongue is in contact with upper side teeth for many speech sounds. For example, dental
sounds include: /?, ð /

6. Lips
They can be pressed together to produce /p, b/.They can be brought into contact with the
teeth to produce / f, v/
francis1897 answered the question on August 23, 2022 at 07:19

Next: Discuss the three body systems responsible and that work together for the production of spoken languages.
Previous: By the use of a diagram, show a cross-section of the vocal organs.

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