Discuss the classification of production of sounds.


Discuss the classification of production of sounds.



1. Place of articulation:
This is the location inside the mouth cavity where the constriction takes place in the production
of sounds. The place of articulation of a human speech sound is classified according to the
distribution of speech organs along the vocal tract. This gives us the major articulations which
are defined according to the divisions of the vocal tract.

2. Manner of articulation:
Manner of articulation is determined by the vocal organs which move to impede the airflow and shape it into specific sounds. Fromkin V., and Rodman R.(1988) “manner of articulation is a traditional way of describing the way the airstream is affected as it travels from the lungs up and out of the mouth and nose.”
A distinction is made between vowels and consonants in relation to manner of articulation. Consonants are the sounds produced with some kind of obstruction of the airstream in vocal tract. Vowels production comes with relatively flow of the airstream.
The impeding of air creates different stricture types. A stricture type is the degree to which the articulating organs stop or interfere with the flow of air.
Manner of articulation asks, is the air flowing in the mouth or is there an interruption?
francis1897 answered the question on August 23, 2022 at 07:46

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