What are the prosodic features of speech?


What are the prosodic features of speech?



1. Stress:
This is an initiatory feature that applies to syllables and words. It is produced when one pushes out more air; for one syllable or word than for an adjacent one. It is a relative value rather than an absolute value. For stress to be recognized there must be more than one syllable or word.

2. Pitch:
It is a Phonatory feature. It is determined by the vibration of the vocal cords. Pitch enables the listener to place sounds on a scale that ranges from low to high. It is associated with listener. The degree of lowness and highness is determined by the number of vibration of the vocal cords. When the vocal cords vibrate at a high frequency, the pitch is high and vice-versa.

3. Sonority:
It is the inherent loudness of a sound. It is always analyzed relative to other sounds. It is determined by two things: stricture types and voicing.

4. Rhythm:
It is the perceived regularity of prominent units in speech. English language has stress patterns which form rhythm. It is rhythmical, predictable at regular occurrence of stressed syllables.

5. Tempo:
This is the way you produce syllable after syllable. Some are faster than others. When you produce syllables too fast or too slow, then they become incomprehensible.

6. Syllable:
It is a minimal pulse of initiatory activity bounded by a momentary retardation of the initiator. This retardation can be self imposed or imposed by a consonantal feature of initiation The onset in a syllable is always a consonantal sound. Every syllable must have a nucleus; therefore known as the obligatory element. The coda is always a consonantal sound. The onset and coda are optional elements and form the left (onset) and right (coda) boundary.
francis1897 answered the question on August 23, 2022 at 12:25

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