In relation to the number of syllables, explain different types of words


In relation to the number of syllables, explain different types of words



1. Bi-syllabic word:
Words that have two syllables and one of the syllables receive primary stress, whereas the other receives secondary stress. In a bi-syllabic word, it is only primary stress marked. In Kiswahili, Toka (leave) - / 't?ka/

2. Disyllabic word:
It has two syllables. Both of them are stressed. Both syllables stressing are marked. Every human language has a few words that are disyllabic.
Kiswahili- baba (father) / 'ba 'ba/
Mama (mother) / 'ma 'ma/

3. Polysyllabic:
It has more than two syllables. One syllable receives the primary stress and at least one secondary stress. Also, at least one syllable is not stressed.
Picture (kalenjin) / '
francis1897 answered the question on August 23, 2022 at 12:44

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