Brain tumor occurs in different types. Explain


Brain tumor occurs in different types. Explain



a) Acoustic Neurinoma:
An Acoustic Neurinoma is a tumor affecting the eight cranial nerve, located between the pons and the cerebellum. It is possible that this tumor is associated with Neurobibromatosis. This particular form of tumor is a primary intracranial tumor of the myelin forming cells. These cells are called, 'Schwann cells,' or, 'Schwannoma.' Therefore, the use of the term,'Acoustice Neuroma,' is actually a misnomer.

b) Astrocytoma:
An Astrocytoma is a tumor that starts in the astrocyte cells which form part of the human brain's supportive tissues, or,'neuroglial.'

c) Ependymoma:
An Ependymoma is a tumor that begins in the ependymal cells that are found in and along the ventricles and central canal in the spinal cord.

d) Glioblastoma Multiforme:
A Glioblastoma Multiforme is a Grade IV Astrocytoma that has the ability to spread throughout the brain. These tumors are marked by the presence of dead tumor cells, or,'necrosis.' About twenty-five percent of every primary brain tumor is a Glioblastoma Multiforme tumor.

e) Meningioma:
A Meningioma is a form of benign tumor that starts in the meninges, or the membranes which cover the spinal cord and brain. About twenty-percent of all primary brain tumors are Meningiomas. These tumors usually appear in middle-aged women.

f) Metastatic Tumor:
A Metastatic Tumor is created by cancer cells that metastasize in the brain form somewhere else in the body. This form of tumor can show up anywhere else in the spinal column or in the brain.

g) Mixed Glioma:
A Mixed Glioma containing neuronal elements, astrocytic elements, and oligodendroglial cells. Neuropathologists are often confused by Mixed Gliomas, who may diagnose them as oligodendrogliomas, astrocytomas, or may even diagnose them as ganglioglioneurocytomas.

h) Oligodendroglioma:
Oligodendrogliomas are tumors that start from oligodendrocytes, which are a kind of brain tissue. These tumors many times contain both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and are considered to be Mixed Gliomas. They are more common that Oligodendrogliomas, and usually occur most frequently in younger or middle-aged adults.

i) Pineal Region Tumor:
A Pineal Region Tumor is a form of tumor that starts in the pineal gland. There are several types of tumors that can begin in the pineal gland. These tumors include Mixed tumors, pineoblastomas, Teratomas, Pineocytomas, Geminomas, and Astrocytomas. Less than one percent of primary brain tumors are Pineal tumors. Three to eight percent of childhood brain tumors are Pineal brain tumors.
francis1897 answered the question on August 24, 2022 at 07:42

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