Explain the Distinctive Characteristics of Philosophy


Explain the Distinctive Characteristics of Philosophy



1 Inquiry based on philosophical questions.
Philosophers ask and attempt to answer difficult but important questions about the universe and their experience within it. Such questions include: what makes actions right or wrong? How can we know that we know? What is real? Is reality one or many? What is beauty? Are truth and beauty related? Lavine (1984) Calls these questions stubborn, indestructible questions the kind of which "time will not banish them or get rid of them for you. To be a human being is to ask these questions. " (Ibid, 5) Philosophical inquiry is based on such questions. It also generates them.

2 Analysis
This is the process by which complex concepts are broken down into their component parts for the sake of clarification and simplification analyzed concepts are easier to examine, relate and understand.

3 Criticism
This is careful examination of issues, arguments, points of view and claims in order to determine their foundations, assumptions, meaning and implications. It is an assessment of the strengths as well as weaknesses of an argument or a position taken in a given issue. This assessment is based on reasons and evidence and is, therefore, impartial and rational. Criticism, in philosophy, is not merely looking for faults. It is impartial scrutiny geared toward the pursuit of truth and understanding.

4 Discussion
Open minded discussion is central in philosophy. Dialogue enables people to freely express their opinions and beliefs as well as attempt to justify them. Through discussion, ideas are subjected to criticism and review. New ideas are generated and subjected to further discussion. In such discussions, persons address issues instead of attacking persons.

5 Evaluation
This is the process of ascertaining the worth or worthlessness of ideas or arguments on the basis of clear and reasonable criteria. It involves the making of judgements regarding ideas.

6 Synthesis
This is reconstruction of ideas concepts and arguments in order to develop better and well justified ones. Such synthesis is based on reasoned thought.
francis1897 answered the question on October 4, 2022 at 07:16

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