Wiredu argues that in case of a choice of a social and political system for example, there is need for an ideology to be followed, infact people ask for it.
An ideology is a set of ideas about what form the good society should take.
Ideas, however,, need a basis in first principles, and it is here that philosophy enters.
Wiredu is worried that usually calls for ideology is seen as a demand for a ready made set of ideas which are meant to be adopted - sometimes even by force.
The philosopher, according to Wiredu, needs to positively oppose the emergence of forced dogmas-because ideology in this sense is a negation of philosophy and a bar to development.
Forced dogmas denies others the opportunity to think for themselves. It renders others unable to think for themselves and this is the worst sin in philosophy.
Ideas need to be thought of by all individuals and where need be contrary and competing ideas be expressed for purposes of choice.
Philosophers need not issue social prescriptions but encourage people to look critically at our cultures and where necessary acknowledge our short comings. If possible, borrowing should be allowed but this should also be done after retinal reflection.
This initiative according to Wiredu, will not come from the people at large, but must come from the thinkers. It is the thinkers that will give direction to the society.
Wiredu further suggests that the philosopher needs not fear discussing issues that are thought of as abstract. This is because, it is sometimes such abstract issues. They need to b analysed and people helped to think critically about such abstract notions as "truth", which lie at the base of ideological discourse.
francis1897 answered the question on October 4, 2022 at 11:44
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