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On leaving its place of origin such tropical maritime air as it moves to higher latitudes usually becomes cooled in its lower layers by contact...


On leaving its place of origin such tropical maritime air as it moves to higher latitudes usually becomes cooled in its lower layers by contact with the relatively colder sea or land over which it passes. Mention the results for this



(a) The lapse rate is diminished and even inverted. Stability is thus greatly increased convection is made impossible and turbulence is greatly reduced.
(b) The cooling of the lower layers with their high specific humidity results in a great increase in relative humidity and dew point is soon reached.
(c) The combination of these two factors produces fog, or if turbulence is strong enough, stratus clouds. Cloud cover is continuous and drizzle or steady rain is produced especially if the air is lifted for example orographically.
(d) Visibility is low because of the high moisture content and because impurities are retained in the lower layer due to the absence of convection.
francis1897 answered the question on October 5, 2022 at 08:35

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