Plants can respond to the changing abiotic conditions by adapting to existing new conditions. Discuss


Plants can respond to the changing abiotic conditions by adapting to existing new conditions. Discuss



Adaptations to the new conditions can be either by being resilient or changing their morphology to survive. The species can also become extinct if unable to cope with the new conditions. Extinction may be brought about by extreme conditions, sometime plants exist to create new niches that may lead to their death, yet they may have prepared the ecosystem for a new species to become established. A species, which because of its presence may be inhibiting the establishment of another, may simultaneously be modifying the site in such a way that on its death, a new species may establish which could not have done so before. Changes in environmental factors may kill plants in an area, and thus create niches for colonization by other species. In addition, the species already present may simply alter the balance of competition between the existing species such that some expand the size of individuals or of their populations at the expense of others.
francis1897 answered the question on October 11, 2022 at 06:48

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