Describe the tropical grasslands


Describe the tropical grasslands



The tropical grasslands or Savannah is characterized by a much greater diversity of composition, form and habitat than is found in the temperate grasslands. It is composed of herbaceous stratum in which more or less xerophytic perennial grasses are pronounced. Savannah may include varying proportions of drought resistant woody plants varying from low shrubs to tall trees. Savannah is found in areas with marked seasonal drought. It occurs in a variety of tropical climates, from those with 500 - 700 mm per annum and from 8 months consecutive drought to none. Soils are varied. The distribution of the savannah areas is coincident with discontinuous high plateau surfaces and the frequently abrupt vegetation change between them. Evidence that some savannahs are of secondary origin, derived from a pre-existing forest, either as a result of deforestation and/or burning.
francis1897 answered the question on October 11, 2022 at 07:03

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