The management of Daylight Ltd. is in the process of evaluating the company’s dividend policy. The following information is provided: 1. The company paid sh.1,300,000 million as...


The management of Daylight Ltd. is in the process of evaluating the company’s dividend policy.
The following information is provided:
1. The company paid sh.1,300,000 million as dividend in the last financial year
2. The profit after tax for the last financial year was sh.3,900,000 million
3. The company has not issued any preference shares.
4. The earnings growth rate has been constant at 10% per annum for the past 10 years.
5. The expected profits after tax for the current financial year is hs.5,200,000 million.
6. The company anticipates investment opportunities worth sh.2,800,000 million in the current financial year.
7. The capital structure of the company consists of 70% equity and 30% debt.

The optimal total dividend for the current financial year if the company wishes to adopt each of the following dividend policies:
(i) Residual dividend policy.
(ii) Constant payout ratio policy.
(iii) Stable predictable dividend policy.
(iv) Regular plus extra dividend policy.



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francis1897 answered the question on November 1, 2022 at 12:26

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