With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of forty days, outline seven revelations of Simeon and Anna about His...


With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of forty days, outline
seven revelations of Simeon and Anna about His life.



- Jesus would save people / salvation prepared for all people.
- Jesus would bring glory to Isreal.
- Jesus would be a light to the gentiles.
- He would be a universal saviour.
- Jesus would bring judgment to the Isrealites.
- Many people would oppose His work.
- He would reveal secret thoughts of people.
- He would be the source of redemption for Jerusalem.
gideon1 answered the question on October 3, 2017 at 04:27

Next: State Jeremiah’s prophesies about the Messiah. Jeremiah 23:5-6.
Previous: State seven lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated.

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