Give five ways in which the covenant foretold by Jeremiah is different from Sinai’s covenant.


Give five ways in which the covenant foretold by Jeremiah is different from Sinai’s covenant.



- Jeremiah’s covenant emphasized on forgiveness of sins unlike Sinaitic covenant .
- Jeremiah’s covenant emphasized individual / personal responsibility.
- The laws to be followed would be written in peoples hearts unlike Sinaitic covenant which was written
on stone -tablets.
- Jeremiah’s covenant would be permanent and would be fulfilled unlike the Sinai covenant which had
repeatedly failed.
- In the new covenant there will be personal knowledge of God, while in the Sinaitic, there would be
need for a -mediator.
- In the new covenant there would be spontaneous forgiveness of sins, whereas in the old covenant sins
were called -forward to the next generation.
Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 08:03

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