Give a comparison between the call of Samuel with that of Moses


Give a comparison between the call of Samuel with that of Moses



- Both were called by their names by God.
- Both were called to serve God.
- Both were called to be leaders of their people.
- Both were to be prophets to the Israelites.
- Both were called to be settling disputes among individuals or groups.
- Both were away from their home by the time they were called.
- They were to lead people in worship & prayer.
- Moses was sent to Egypt while Samuel was sent to Eli by God.
- Moses was herding animals while Samuel was ministering unto the Lord.
- Moses received the call in the wilderness while Samuel received the call at Shiloh staying with priest Eli.
- God appeared to Moses in a vision of burning bush but to Samuel in a dream.
- Samuel was young & unmarried but Moses was mature & married.
Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 09:00

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