Give five reasons why it was difficult for the apostles to believe that Jesus arose from death


Give five reasons why it was difficult for the apostles to believe that Jesus arose from death



- It was an extra – ordinary event, outside their experience
- The story of resurrection was fore told by women, the disciples being Jews thought that it was idle tale
from women
- The disciples lacked faith and understanding, they had not understood, Jesus when he told them about
his resurrection.
- Their concept of a messiah was not a suffering Messiah, but a victorious one.
- Jesus helplessness during the arrest and crucifixion ruled out any possibility of resurrection.
- Conflicting stories confused them. Some were saying that Jesus arose, others said that the apostles stole
the body
- Events leading to his death, denial by Peter, betrayal by Judas made the disciples to question his
- Things happened so fast, death, burial, resurrection, too much for human mind to comprehend.
- The disciples had witnessed the death and the burial of Jesus hence convinced that he was dead / gone
Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 09:03

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