Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel had message of hope to the exiles. Narrate specific the message of hope given by Jeremiah and Ezekiel to the exiles


Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel had message of hope to the exiles. Narrate specific the message of hope given by Jeremiah and Ezekiel to the exiles



- Accept their present state which resulted from their disobedience, but God would need them
- Make new life for themselves in babylon by building houses, settling down, planting gardens,
marrying and having children Jer: 29: 4 – 6.
- Not to allow themselves to be destroyed or rebel against city and its inhabitants
- Encouraged to work for the good of the rulers and people in babylon and pray for their prosperity
so that they may also prosper Jer. 29:7.
- Not to listen or be influenced by false prophets or future tellers.
- That God would gather His people and bring them back to their land.
- The remnant will be restored and live in prosperity and peace.
- During their return God would guide them as a father or as a shepherd guides his children or flock
- Descendant of king David would be enthroned as king and would rule them with justice forever
(Jer. 23: 5 – 6; Ez. 34: 23 – 24)
- Jerusalem would be rebuilt and would be a source of Joy and pride (Jer 30: 18 – 22)
- Jeremiah bought a piece of land in Jerusalem to signify that exiles would return to Jerusalem and be
able to buy fields there (Jer: 32:36 – 44).
- Ezekiels call to repentance was because God does not take pleasure in the suffering of a sinner
(Ez 18:23)

Kavungya answered the question on November 15, 2022 at 10:02

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